

CRESOL (Cultural Association for Art and Creativity in Social, Sustainable, and Solidarity Development) was founded in 2015 to foster a more inclusive, sustainable, and socially balanced model of development. Guided by education, training, and awareness, we use art and creativity as tools to promote social and environmental change.

Our work includes innovative adult education programs, research in communication strategies, and collaborations with governments, councils, and associations to address environmental and social issues. With nine years of experience, we specialize in training disadvantaged adults—often from rural or immigrant backgrounds—and secondary education teachers, aiming to improve opportunities and skills through non-formal education and initiatives aligned with ERASMUS+ goals and the SDGs.

Azuébar City Council

Azuébar City Council

Azuébar is a small rural village in Valencian Community, Spain that belongs to the province of Castellón, in the rural region of Alto Palancia. It’s located in the beautiful Natural Park Sierra de Espadán and its population is around 400 inhabitants currently.

Azuébar City Council (AZUEBAR) is in charge of carrying out all administrative tasks for which it has jurisdiction within the municipality:

  • provision of social services and promotion and social reintegration
  • participate in the teaching programming and cooperate with the educational Administration in the creation, construction and maintenance of public educational centres

The municipal political team led by the mayor Jessica Miravete is totally involved and active in the daily tasks of the municipality.

Azuebar is also integrated in the rural intermunicipal body Mancomunidad del Alto Palancia composed of 28 small and rural municipalities.

Municipality of Fontecchio

Fontecchio is an Italian municipality of about 300 inhabitants in the province of L’Aquila in Abruzzo, in the Aterno valley. It belongs to the Mountain Community Sirentina and the Regional Natural Park Sirente-Velino. Indeed, it’s a rural village in a Natural Park.

Fontechio is promoting lifelong learning and education in order to improve the sustainable development; conservation and sustainable use of cultural heritage; enhancing the environment; transmitting and sustaining cultural heritage also for future generations; development of a peaceful and stable society; actions to improve access to the ec (physical and cognitive accessibility).

Fontecchio in collaboration with local and regional associations, has launched informal education projects, cultural heritage education and training for small sustainable initiatives which are focused in ADULTS but also they have an intergenerational target given the small population of around 300 inhabitants.

EPALTE, Alte’s Professional School, CIPRL

EPALTE is a non-profit private educational institution that provides a public service in education and training, primarily through the offering of dual vocational education and training courses in the non-higher education sector. It is part of the network of training entities of the National Qualifications System. By being part of this network, it aligns with the objectives of the mentioned National System, particularly due to its nature as a Professional School.

The School embodies a Project of Educational Innovation and Flexibility, where the courses offered respond to the needs of the business network in the context of regional development. This Educational Project, embodied in the Cândido Guerreiro Professional School, has as its central objective to equip students from various courses with technical and professional skills that allow them to enter the job market quickly and adequately.